Palmer, "Solstice Seasons" - A Quadriptych of Passage: A Composition of four sea

Palmer, Brooke.

“Solstice Seasons” – A Quadriptych of Passage: A Composition of four seasonal Artpieces which transport the viewer to four of the world’s most magical Places of Ritual and Ceremony: I. “Spring at Newgrange” / II. “Summer at Stonehenge” / III. “Autumn at Iniskim Umaapi” / IV. “Winter at Drombeg”.

Four Paintings / Acrylic on circular Birch Wood Panels / Epoxy resined. Toronto, 2023/2024. Dimensions of each Wood Panel: 44” (112 cm in Diameter, on 5 cm thick panel).

[Price includes 13.5% VAT (5709,25€) – Net: 42290,75 €]

″Solstice Seasons” is unarguably one of the most impressive works of Canadian artist Brooke Palmer to date. Inspired by conversations about some of the world’s most sacred places of Ritual and Ceremony, Brooke Palmer captured in these four artworks for us the ‘Circular Idea of Infinity’ by translating emotions and time into colour and bringing Stone-Circles and Passage Tombs of Ireland and England as well as Canada’s Medicine Wheel “Iniskim Umaapi”, to our attention. If you find yourself in front of these four works forming one, you are transfixed by the meditation these pieces direct at your very soul.

EUR 48.000,-- 

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Brooke Palmer, “Solstice Seasons” – A Quadriptych of Passage
Brooke Palmer, “Solstice Seasons” – A Quadriptych of Passage
Brooke Palmer, “Solstice Seasons” – A Quadriptych of Passage: “Autumn at Iniskim Umaapi”
Brooke Palmer, “Solstice Seasons” – A Quadriptych of Passage: “Spring at Newgrange”
Brooke Palmer, “Solstice Seasons” – A Quadriptych of Passage: “Summer at Stonehenge”
Brooke Palmer, “Solstice Seasons” – A Quadriptych of Passage: “Winter at Drombeg”