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[Chadwick, Something the Matter. Helen Chadwick / Cathy de Monchaux / Cornelia P

[Chadwick, Helen] Stephens Kate (Editor).

Something the Matter. Helen Chadwick / Cathy de Monchaux / Cornelia Parker. 22nd International Biennal of São Paulo. 12 October – 11 December 1994.

Bilingual: Português / English. Place unknown, The British Council, 1994. 25 cm x 24 cm. 48 unpaginated pages. With many colour illustrations throughout the book. Original Softcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Helen Clare Chadwick (18 May 1953 – 15 March 1996)[1] was an English conceptual artist. Chadwick was born on May 18, 1953 in Croydon in London, England. She studied at Croydon College of Art, The Faculty of Arts and Architecture Brighton Polytechnic and then at the Chelsea School of Art. (Wikipedia).

Cathy de Monchaux (born 1960) is a British sculptor. Born in London, de Monchaux studied first at the Camberwell School of Art (1980–1983), and later at Goldsmiths College in London (1985–1987). Her sculptures use materials such as glass, paper, metal and leather. They frequently juxtapose seductive soft elements, often with strongly sexual overtones, with harder materials, often spikey or in some way appearing to constrain the softer parts, resulting in work which is both sensual and threatening. Her 1997 exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery in particular made reference to organic forms (crustacea, fossils), animals, erotic and fetishistic imagery, turn of the century decorative traditions, architectural detailing and saintly relics. (Wikipedia).

Cornelia Ann Parker OBE, RA (born 1956) is an English sculptor and installation artist. Parker studied at the Gloucestershire College of Art and Design (1974–75) and Wolverhampton Polytechnic (1975–78). She received her MFA from Reading University in 1982 and honorary doctorates from the University of Wolverhampton in 2000, the University of Birmingham (2005) and the University of Gloucestershire (2008). In 1997, Cornelia Parker was shortlisted for the Turner Prize along with Christine Borland, Angela Bulloch, and Gillian Wearing (who won the prize). Parker is married, has one daughter, and lives and works in London. Parker’s mother is German and was in the Luftwaffe during the Second World War, and was then a prisoner of war for a couple of years after the war. Her British grandfather fought in the trenches in the First World War. (Wikipedia).

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[Chadwick, Something the Matter. Helen Chadwick / Cathy de Monchaux / Cornelia Parker.