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Benetton - L'Immagine plastica come idea architettonica / A Plast

Benetton, Simon / Moderna, Galleria Civica d’Arte (Editor).

Simon Benetton – L’Immagine plastica come idea architettonica / A Plastic Image as architectonical Idea. [SIGNED / INSCRIBED] 1 Aprile – 6 Maggio 1984, Comune d Ferrara. Assessorato Istituzioni Culturali, Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Palazzo dei Diamanti Ferrara, Sala d’Arte “Benvenuto Tisi”.

O.O., o.V., 1984. 8°. 95 Pages. Original Softcover (titled, illustrated). Beautifully inscribed and signed by Simon Benetton in Italian on front free endpaper.

EUR 90,-- 

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Simon Benetton – L’Immagine plastica come idea architettonica / A Plastic Image as architectonical Idea.