Ganz, Graffiti World: Street Art From Five Continents.

Ganz, Nicholas / Manco, Tristan.

Graffiti World: Street Art From Five Continents.

London, Thames & Hudson, 2004. 23 cm x 24,5 cm. 375 pages with illustrations throughout. Original Hardcover. Excellent condition with only minor signs of wear.

Includes for example: Worldwide History of Graffiti / The Here and Now / The Americas / Europe / The Rest of the World etc.

Offering a unique insight into the very essence of graffiti and its creative explosion over the past 35 years, Graffiti World takes us on a whirlwind adventure throughout the Americas and Europe to almost every corner of the globe. With over 180 artists featured, author Nicholas Ganz gives us an unparalleled overview of the key trends and style developments that have made graffiti what it is today, and his individual artists’ profiles – offering a true insider’s perspective, with quotes from the artists themselves – are unrivalled in their breadth and detail. Renowned figures such as England’s Banksy and Brazil’s Os Gemeos stand alongside emerging writers to form the most comprehensive presentation ever published of the most influential and interesting graffiti artists. An appendix – including artists’ biographies, a glossary and a list of websites – provides extensive additional resources. (Publisher’s Info)

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Ganz, Graffiti World: Street Art From Five Continents.
Ganz, Graffiti World: Street Art From Five Continents.
Ganz, Graffiti World: Street Art From Five Continents.
Ganz, Graffiti World: Street Art From Five Continents.