[Gray, David Smith - Exhibition Catalogue April 18 - May 13, 1950. [Cleve Gray's

[Gray, Cleve / Motherwell, Robert] Smith, David.

David Smith – Exhibition Catalogue April 18 – May 13, 1950. [Cleve Gray’s personal copy]. [With a two page introduction / statement by Robert Mothwell].

New York, Willard Gallery, 1950. Small Octavo. 8 unnumbered pages. Original, illustrated softcover / stapled. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Copy of american abstract expressionist painter Cleve Gray, with his name in ballpen on cover. One part of Motherwell’s introductory – statement with a pencil mark at the side highlighting this section: “When I saw David places his work against the mountains and sky, the impulse was plain, an ieffable desire to see his humanness related to exterior reality, to nature at least if not man, for the marvel of the felt scale that exists between a true work and the immovable world, the relation that makes both human”.

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[Gray, David Smith – Exhibition Catalogue. [Cleve Gray’s personal copy].
[Gray, David Smith – Exhibition Catalogue. [Cleve Gray’s personal copy].
[Gray, David Smith – Exhibition Catalogue. [Cleve Gray’s personal copy].